There's a tingle around ictopus, a frisson of excitement, a quivering of anticipation as the launch time draws near.
ictopus a free support service for primary education will be launched tomorrow, 1st September when the 1597, yes 1597 already registered users receive an alert to tell them that the first issue of the weekly magazine, Sharing Good Practice, is available to view online or to download as a printable file. Followed on Tuesday by the lessons2go service, lesson plans providing ideas for the use of ICT across the primary and early years curriculum.
ictopus a free support service for primary education will be launched tomorrow, 1st September when the 1597, yes 1597 already registered users receive an alert to tell them that the first issue of the weekly magazine, Sharing Good Practice, is available to view online or to download as a printable file. Followed on Tuesday by the lessons2go service, lesson plans providing ideas for the use of ICT across the primary and early years curriculum.
And so it will go on, ideas and support for primary teachers to embed ICT in learning and teaching.
If you've not registered yet give it a go.. its pedigree is excellent.