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Showing posts from April, 2008

Geography in schools..

.. is it valued, is it getting rarer, is it being taught indirectly? ( the same could be asked of history) Here's a site for those interested in Giving Geography It's Place. Click on the chocolate image to get to the education area and the Chocolate transition project for Y 6.

Emerging Technologies

Becta’s Emerging Technologies for Learning: volume 3 (2008). is out It seems it’s becoming an annual publication with volume 1 in 2006 and volume 2 in 2007 As before there are articles from national and international thinkers and practitioners Each publication features articles on the very new and emerging technologies which may have an impact on life and learning. If you haven't yet looked at the first two it’s worth doing before moving onto volume 3. Some of the volume 1 emerging technologies are now out of the chrysalis and drying off their wings, for example Mobile Technologies, Social Networks and The Broadband Home. This third publication includes Growing up with Google - what it means to education (Diane Oblinger, EDUCAUSE) Mobile, wireless, connected - information clouds and learning (Mark van't Hooft, Kent State University ) Location-based and context-aware education - prospects and perils (Adam Greenfield, NY

What day is it???

I've been trying out the BBC home page recently.. There's always a picture associated with something that is about to be on television. In retrospect I remember this mornings picture of icy wastes and the heading "find out more about flying penguins" as I did my usual Google search for information needed without actually registering what it was about. So it wasn't until this evening after a day of interesting mails and links that I realised it's significance and followed it up.. it was a link to a video advertising BBC iplayer. Have a look at Penguins although it will only be there for a few more days, and then the Making of Penguins This April Fools video comes from a long line of ideas beginning with the daring use of a serious news presenter on a serious BBC news programme in 1957 to trick the audience into thinking spaghetti grew on trees. As most people in Britain had not seen spaghetti only heard of it it was quite successful Thanks also t